1. ProjectDox offers a variety of reports pertaining to the activity and actions taken within each application.
2. To view which disciplines have been assigned to an application, use the “Plan Review – Workflow Routing Slip” or “Plan Review – Department Review Status” reports.
3. Reports can be accessed via the “Reports” tab at the top of the ProjectDox application.
1. The names of the reviewers assigned to an application will appear in the “Plan Review – Workflow Routing Slip” or “Plan Review – Department Review Status” reports, as well as next to any Checklist Items (comments) or Changemarks (annotations made directly on files) provided.
2. Reviewers can be contacted through the ePlan Topic Discussion Board email.
o Topic Discussion Board email is the primary method of communication as it consolidates all correspondence within the ePlan application.
- Discussion Board email can be accessed in via the “Discuss” tab located at the top of the application.
- Draft a new email by selecting the “Add Topic” button or add additional comments within an existing email thread.
- Once the email has been drafted, select “Save and Prepare Email”.
- Do not select all Users/Groups within the ePlan system; emails should be sent only to the plans reviewers and pertinent members of the project team.
- Only members of the project team that are registered in ePlan can participate in the Discussion Board email.
1. ProjectDox offers a variety of reports pertaining to the activity and actions taken within each application.
2. To view Checklist Items (comments) or Changemarks (annotations made directly on files), use the “Reviews” tab located at the top of the ProejctDox application.
3. For applications initiated prior to October 1, 2021, reviewer comments can only be viewed on the “Plan Review - Review Comments” report. Reports can be accessed via the “Reports” tab at the top of the ProjectDox application.
1. ProjectDox offers a variety of reports pertaining to the activity and actions taken within each application.
2. To check the review status of disciplines assigned to an application, use the “Plans Review – Department Review Status” reports.
3. Reports can be accessed via the “Reports” tab at the top of the ProjectDox application.
1. For Special Permit applications (applications that begin with PZ), contact ePlanPZ@miamigov.com.
2. For building permits (applications that begin with BD), contact ePlanBuilding@miamigov.com.
3. Please note that the request to add additional contacts to the Applicant Group must come from the Owner or Owner’s Representative, as listed on the project application, and may include an additional fee.
1. For Special Permit applications (applications that begin with PZ), contact the lead Planning or Zoning reviewer assigned to the application.
2. If the Special Permit application is still in the prescreen process, email ePlanPZ@miamigov.com.
3. For building permits (applications that begin with BD), email ePlanBuilding@miamigov.com.
4. Please note that the request to void files must come from the Owner or Owner’s Representative, as listed on the application.
1. Files that have been uploaded to an application cannot be deleted as they are part of the public record; therefore, files can only be “Voided.”
2. For Special Permit applications (applications that begin with PZ), contact the lead Planning or Zoning reviewer assigned to the application.
3. If the Special Permit application is still in the prescreen process, email ePlanPZ@miamigov.com.
4. For building permits (applications that begin with BD), email ePlanBuilding@miamigov.com.
3. Please note that the request to void files must come from the Owner or Owner’s Representative, as listed on the application.
1. For Special Permit applications (applications that begin with PZ), email ePlanPZ@miamigov.com.
2. For building permits (applications that begin with BD), email ePlanBuilding@miamigov.com..
3. Please note that the request to terminate an application must come from the Owner or Owner’s Representative, as listed on the application.
4. Please note that Planning Department policy is to administratively withdraw applications that have been inactive in the ePlan system for more than 180 days. Contact the lead planner if you have any questions or concerns about the status of an application.
1. The second page of the Special Permit application (PAP) may be signed by the Property owner or the owner’s representative.
2. If the property owner’s signature does not appear on the application, the PAP must be accompanied by a Power of Attorney or Authority to Act on behalf of the owner.
3. Applications that pass prescreen and that have not corrected ownership verification issues at the end of review cycle #2 will be administratively withdrawn and terminated.
1. For Special Permit applications (applications that begin with PZ), email ePlanPZ@miamigov.com.
2. The request to change the Applicant or project representative must come from the Owner or Owner’s Representative, as listed on the project application.
3. Applicants will be charged a flat fee of $100 which can be paid online using the Customer Number or Transaction ID that appears on the invoice: https://www.miamigov.com/Services/Doing-Business/Make-a-Payment-to-the-City-of-Miami?BestBetMatch=make%20a%20payment|d13b95b2-5146-4b00-9e3e-a80c73739a64|4f05f368-ecaa-4a93-b749-7ad6c4867c1f|en-US