Apply to Become a VISTA Member

The City of Miami is an official partner and host of the AmeriCorps VISTA program.  Through this partnership, the Grants Department interviews and places up to 25 VISTA members per year in a one-year work experience program; supervising their progress and ensuring their placement meets the qualifications and guidelines of the VISTA program. VISTA members serve in a project identified and managed by The City while earning a modest living allowance as well as a Segal Education Award. 

Benefits of Being a VISTA Member:

  • Living allowance of $14,724 per year.
  • Educational Award of $6,095 or $1,500 stipend.
  • Medical Coverage.
  • Relocation Allowance up to $550.
  • Non-Competitive Eligibility for Federal Civil Service jobs.
  • Training with travel costs covered or training online.
  • Develop skills in grant writing, volunteer management, economic development, fund raising, resource development, community organizing, financial literacy and more. 



Apply Online 

Applications are handled by AmeriCorps, who then forwards potential members to us for interviews. Apply online for consideration in the City of Miami VISTA Partnership.

Apply for AmeriCorps VISTA

Await Response

If selected, you will be matched with a community-or faith-based organization that fits your skill set and interest. 


Attend Pre-Service Orientation or online Pre-Service Orientation. Training travel costs covered.

If you have any questions, you may contact:

Gissella Sotelo, City of Miami - Grants Dept. 

444 SW 2NDAve, 5th Floor
Miami, FL 33130
Office: (305)416-1407