New legislative updates, section 553.792, Florida Statutes
This new law introduces regulations to streamline the residential building permit process, improve efficiency, and provide more options for homeowners. Please learn more by visiting our information page.
Building Dept. Newsletter
To increase communication with our residents, businesses, and customers, the Building Department is reinitiating a newsletter to share information on our initiatives and activities.Click on the image below to see the latest news from the City of Miami Building Department.

Building Code:
A new edition of the Florida Building Code (2023) will take effect on Dec. 31, 2023.
New submittals received online PRIOR to December 31 will be governed by the current edition (2020).
Those received on December 31 or later will be governed by the new edition (2023).
More information(PDF, 394KB)
Building Efficiency 305 Program:
The City of Miami is implementing an innovative and holistic approach to resilience by addressing climate adaptation, carbon mitigation and sustainability. The BE305 program is an integral part of the City's approach to reducing the community-wide carbon footprint and is a key initiative administered by the Building Department.
More info can be found at and in the video below: