Resident Satisfaction Survey

The City of Miami issued its annual "Resident Satisfaction Survey" last summer to gather input on resident satisfaction with City services. Now, residents can see the results of that survey using the City's Resident Insights Dashboard. Explore charts, maps and other relevant data that reflect resident sentiment and are helping the City to better serve our community.



Why Do We Survey?  

• To objectively assess satisfaction with the quality of City services and other factors that influence perceptions residents have of the City

• To gather input from residents to assist in developing City priorities

• To identify opportunities to improve satisfaction in services that are high priorities to residents

• To measure trends over time to help guide and evaluate the implementation of the City’s strategic plan

In the summer of 2019 the City of Miami partnered with ETC Institute to administer its sixth annual resident survey. The seven‐page survey, cover letter, and postage-paid return envelope were mailed to a random sample of households in the City of Miami. The cover letter explained the purpose of the survey and encouraged residents to either return their survey by mail or complete the survey online.

The goal was to obtain completed surveys from at least 700 residents. The goal was exceeded with a total of 745 residents completing the survey. The overall results for the sample of 745 households have a precision of at least +/‐3.6% at the 95% level of confidence.

  • Overall satisfaction ratings in 2019 are similar to 2018
  • City Services That Should Be the Highest Priorities Over the Next 3 Years:

    • Affordable Housing

    • Crime Prevention

    • Education

    • Flood Management

    • Public Spaces

*For the full report of current and previous resident survey results, please contact


Explore Miami Resident Survey analytics in addition to other key metrics about our city with the Resident Insights Dashboard

The dashboard is organized by various aspects of quality of life and the five strategic areas of the City's Strategic PlanMobility, Housing, Safety, Municipal Services, and Public Spaces