View a directory of the City of Miami's Departments and the services that each department offers. Click on the department name you'd like to learn more about.
TelephoneGeneral Information: (305) 416-1100
Unsafe Structures (1st Floor): (305) 416-1177
The Building Department enforces codes and regulations established by the State of Florida and Miami-Dade County governing the construction, alteration, and maintenance of buildings and structures within the City of Miami for the protection of residents and property.
Telephone(305)-250-5360, TTY 711(Florida Relay Service)
The Office of City Clerk for the City of Miami is responsible for the capture and archiving of the public record accurately, making it available to the public.
The Civil Service Board Office is an entity that was established by the residents of the City of Miami to provide a fair merit based system of employment by ensuring that individuals are hired, promoted, and retained based upon “what they know” and not “who they know”. Their duties and responsibilities cover three (3) major functions: Administrative, Legislative and Quasi-judicial.
The Civilian Investigative Panel (CIP) provides for independent and impartial citizens’ oversight of the Miami Police Department.
TelephoneMain (305) 416-2087. AFTER-HOURS CODE COMPLIANCE HOTLINE: (786) 457-0995.
Our Mission IS Compliance. To promote and protect the health, safety, welfare, and quality of life for the City of Miami residents, businesses, and tourists; to equitably and consistently enforce our city codes.
Neighborhood Service Centers (formerly NET) has been dissolved. This division no longer exists. The services have been taken over by The various departments and the offices are being handled by each district.
Telephone(305) 416-1430
The City of Miami's Department of Real Estate & Asset Management (DREAM) manages an estimated $17.5 Billion real estate asset portfolio in Miami's tropical metropolis.
Miami Fire Rescue's Division of Emergency Management (DEM) is responsible for coordinating disaster planning, preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation concerns for all City departments. This section creates, updates, and administers the City’s Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP), which provides the blueprint for the City’s response to all disasters whether natural or man made.
Telephone305-416-1990 TTY: 711 (Florida Relay Service)
The Office of Equal Opportunity & Diversity Programs (“EODP”) oversees and manages the City’s equal employment opportunity function and overall compliance with federal, state, and local laws and administrative policies prohibiting employment discrimination.
Telephone(305) 416-1570
This department handles financial exchanges and investments on behalf of the City of Miami.
The Fire Prevention Bureau (FPB) is responsible for Certificate of Use/Fire Safety Permit inspections and Plans Review for construction as well as the yearly Certificate of Occupancy program, water flow tests, monitor the hydrant and water supply system, and conduct annual life safety inspections in all existing businesses, new business applications, marinas, hospitals and more.
Alternate Phone(305) 416-1600
The City of Miami Department of Fire-Rescue serves the community with the highest level of professionalism, customer service, and responsiveness by providing effective and efficient fire prevention, fire suppression, disaster management, emergency medical care and other essential services to save lives and protect property.
The Department of General Services Administration (GSA) serves and supports over 40 City Departments that provide essential services to the citizens of the city.
The Office of Government Relations advocates on behalf of the City’s interests before all levels of government.
Telephone305 - 416 -1536
The City of Miami Office of Grant Administration Mission is to assist City departments and staff in securing grants and
external funding opportunities to implement, expand, and enhance services and activities that advance key priority areas
identified in the Strategic Plan.
The Hearings Boards office is a division within the Planning department. We organize, disseminate, and preserve, public hearing records for a majority of the city of Miami's quasi-judicial and quasi-legislative boards.
Telephone305 416 2080
Alternate Phone305 468 5402 TTY/TTD
The Housing & Community Development department coordinates programs funded through federal and state grants to assist Miami's economically disadvantaged residents and neighborhoods.
The Department of Human Resources serves over 4,000 City employees and numerous members of the public each day. Below are brief descriptions of the Divisions in the Department of Human Resources.
The Department of Human Services oversees homeless and veterans affairs, childcare services, and economic initiatives.
Telephone(305) 416-1659
The Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT) enables City operations through device and software support, connectivity, and server maintenance. Additionally, DoIT seeks to deliver the best possible user experience for residents and City employees. Teams focus on people, process, and data-driven decision making to enable exceptional digital services and a secure, resilient infrastructure.
Telephone(305) 416-1500
The mission of the Office of Management and Budget is to promote the efficient allocation of resources in accordance with the needs and priorities of our citizens, elected officials, and administration.
Information, hours, applications, waitlists and more for the City's beautiful public marinas - a division of DREAM (Department of Real Estate Asset Management).
The Film & Entertainment office is a one-stop web site for permitting, government liaison, production information and referral sources. Our mission is to provide services and assistance with special events, film, television, music, commercial production and still photography businesses to promote industry expansion and economic prosperity.
The Office of Capital Improvements (OCI) manages and delivers the City of Miami’s property development, proudly building the City parks, facilities, and infrastructure like seawalls, marinas, boat ramps, and floating docks, among others. Capital projects improve the quality of life, resilience, and pathway to prosperity for those who experience Miami. Miami OCI: Building Miami Forever.
The Office of Communications keeps you informed about everything happening in The City of Miami.
The Office of the City Attorney provides a broad scope of legal services and advice to the Mayor, City Commissioners, City Manager as well as to all City Departments.
The City Manager's Office oversees various departments and functions, including 4,381 employees and The City's operating budget of $1.165 billion.
Telephone(305) 416-2040
Office of the Independent Auditor General
Thank you for visiting the City of Miami Parks and Recreation Department! We strive to create a brighter future with a world class parks system for our community and visitors. Browse our site for more information about programs and facilities for you.
The Planning Department facilitates and regulates land development, preserves natural resources for our distinct neighborhoods, and cultivates an improved quality of life for our city’s diverse communities. The Department consists of several divisions: Community Planning, Hearing Boards, Historic Preservation, Land Development, and Urban Design.
TelephoneMiami Police Non-Emergency: (305) 579-6111
The over 1,100 sworn members of our police force are relentlessly committed to ensuring that the citizens of Miami are not deprived of their fundamental right to feel safe in their neighborhoods. Of equal importance is the safety and wellbeing of those who choose our municipality, the largest in Miami-Dade County.
Procurement related topics including, but not limited to, viewing current solicitations and contracts with The City, applying as a City vendor, accessing the iSupplier portal, and learning how to do business with The City.
The Department of Resilience and Public Works (RPW) is responsible for engineering design and technical standards, permitting and regulation of construction of public improvements, and the repair and maintenance of City-maintained streets (potholes, flooding, tree trimming, ROW aesthetics, etc.), alleys, sidewalks, curbs, drainage, bridges, canals, and trolleys.
The Office of Resilience and Sustainability is focused on building physical, social and economic resilience and sustainability in Miami through internal and external partnerships.
The department was formed in November 2016 after the City was granted funding from the Rockefeller Foundation for 100 Resilient Cities.
The City's Risk Management Department is a service provider, working closely with all operating departments within the City in an effort to protect the City’s financial, physical, and human resources more effectively.
The mission of the Department of Solid Waste is to promote a clean and healthy environment by the delivery of a comprehensive, safe, cost-effective, and environmentally sound solid waste management system; to support sustainable community programs and civic engagement; and to enforce sanitation code enforcement rules and policies.
Alternate Phone305-416-1495
The Office of Zoning provides policy guidance for the development of the City of Miami by interpreting and administering the Zoning Ordinance and other relevant governmental regulations pertaining to land development regulations for construction and land use.