Little Haiti Revitilization Trust (LHRT) Funding Policy

Funding Proposals Review and Approval Process

The purpose of this policy is to outline the process by which the Little Haiiti Revitalization Trust (LHRT) reviews, evaluates, and approves funding proposals that align with the objectuves set within the Little Haiti Boundaries. The LHRT aims to support projects that promote economic development, job creation, local small business development, affordable housing, community educational programs, beautification efforts, and the enhancement of parks.

212 NE 59th Terr, Miami, FL 33137

1. Eligibility Criteria:

Proposals will only be considered from organizations or entities with a proven track record of conducting proposed projects or programming for a minimum of 1 year. Start-up activities or organizations will not be eligible for consideration. The proposed project must fall within the Little Haiti Boundaries and align with the LHRT objectives. The organization or entity cannot have had its registration or authority denied, suspended, or revoked by any governmental agency, together with the reasons for such denial, suspension, or revocation.

2. Proposal Submission:

Interested organizations must submit comprehensive proposals containing the required information as specified by the LHRT. Proposals should include:

A. Applicant name, address, and type of organization

B. Applicant historical background

C. Purpose or Need of Project

D. Project Description

E. Project Deliverables and Timeline

F. Project Budget

G. Documentation of other funding sources

H. Opportunities for Trust engagement

I. Details of the organization's proven track record in conducting similar projects. 

3. Review and Evaluation:

The LHRT President/CEO will evaluate proposals based on their alignment with LHRT objectives, potential impact on the Little Haiiti community, feasibility, sustainability, and the applicant's proven track record. Proposals that meet the eligibility criteria and demonstrate alignment with LHRT objectives will proceed to the evaluation stage.

4. Funding Allocation:

Funding requests from approved proposals should not exceed 25% of the total project cost. Requests must include a detailed breakdown of the project budget to ensure that the funding request is reasonable and well-justified. Documentation of other funding sources is required to understand the financial support landscape of the proposed project.

5. Engagement and Collaboration:

The LHRT encourages projects that offer opportunities for active engagement and collaboration with the Trust beyond financial support. Applicants should outline in their proposals how the LHRT can be involved in decision-making, project implementation, and community engagement.

6. Decision and Notification:

The President/CEO will recommend proposals for approval to the LHRT board based on the evaluation process. The LHRT board will make final decisions regarding the approval of funding proposals. Applicants will be notified of the board's decision. Feedback may be provided for unsuccessful proposals.

7. Compliance and Reporting:

All approved grantee’s must enter into a grant agreement with the LHRT. Approved projects are expected to adhere to the proposed project plan, budget, and timeline as approved by the LHRT board. Recipients of funding are required to provide periodic progress reports and financial updates to the LHRT, showcasing the achievement of milestones as detailed in the grant agreement. Failure to adhere to grant agreement may result in the request to return grant funds.

8. Amendments to Policy:

This policy may be amended by the LHRT as necessary.

9. Disbursements and Award Approvals:

All disbursements of funds and award approvals under this Program shall be subject to all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, including, but not limited to, the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended.


This policy aims to ensure transparency, fairness, and alignment with the LHRT's objectives in the review and approval process of funding proposals. By adhering to this policy, the LHRT seeks to maximize the positive impact of projects within the Little Haiti community and contribute to its revitalization.