Appeal a Code Enforcement Ticket, a Solid Waste Ticket, or an MPA

Did you get a code enforcement or solid waste ticket you think you don’t deserve? The City issues tickets for properties with alleged violations like illegal units, storing unregistered vehicles, trash piling up, uncut grass, cutting down trees without a permit, etc. The City monitors neighborhoods and issues tickets in order to keep Miami safe and beautiful.

Or did you get a Miami Parking Authority ("MPA") valet ticket you want to appeal? The MPA valet ticket is the one type of ticket that you may appeal to the City of Miami's Special Magistrate. 



Determine If You Can Appeal.

Only property owners, registered agents, or individuals who have/will have a power of attorney from the property owner may request an appeal hearing. 

Decide Your Approach.

You have two options: 

1. APPEAL: If you'd like to request an appeal hearing, you may do so by completing the questionnaire below in section 3. You may appeal no later than ten days after receiving the civil infraction.

TIP: Request for an appeal hearing are also accepted in person Monday - Friday between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM on the last day of the appeal period at the Miami Riverside Center located at 444 SW 2 Avenue, 3rd floor. We are closed on weekends and holidays. Request for an appeal hearing is also accepted online until 11:59 pm on the last day of the appeal period. Request for appeal hearing are not accepted by email. Appointments to request an appeal hearing are appreciated but are not necessary. Please contact Hearing Boards staff at if you wish to make an appointment to request an appeal hearing in person.

2. PAY: If you'd like to simply pay your ticket, pay here.

  • To pay online, you will need a customer number. To request a customer number, you can email the finance department at or call (305) 416-1975. Be sure to communicate the property address and case or ticket number. 
  • You will also need to contact the inspector to request to have the ticket certified.  

TIP: If you do not choose one of these options, the violation will be deemed admitted and the city may place a lien on your property.  

IMPORTANT NOTE: All documents and information submitted for a public hearing become a public record available to anyone who seeks public information. It is important that you do not submit any sensitive information.

Request an Appeal Hearing.

Please have your ticket or case number available for the appeal process. Start the appeal process by answering the questionnaire below. 

Click Here to Request an Appeal hearing

What Happens Next?

  • If your appeal hearing request is timely and complete, you will receive a certified notice in the mail regarding the ticket hearing date, time, and location. 
  • You must attend the ticket appeal hearing on the date, time, and location provided.
  • At the hearing, be sure to present any documents that you think may help your case.