SWMP Current Master Plan Projects

Current Master Plan Projects

Tidal Valvle Installations Map


Completion Date: January 2020

Project Purpose:

The tidal valve installation program will prevent flooding on streets and the public right of way that is caused by extreme tidal and storm related events such as king tides. This is a part of the Miami Forever Bond Program.

Project Scope:

During high tide events, water from Biscayne Bay will flow backwards through outfalls and the stormwater drainage system, causing localized nuisance flooding on city roadways and private property. With Sea Level Rise (SLR), it is anticipated the city will experience an increased frequency and impact due to sunny day flooding events such as king tides. This project will retrofit approximately 50 outfalls to allow installation of one-way tidal valves that prevent tidal waters from backflowing through existing drainage system outfalls and flooding roadways and property. Retrofits will include refurbishment or installation of new drainage control structures, lining of drainage pipes, installation of new tidal valves on drainage outfalls, and pollution control systems, as appropriate.

Resilience Themes:

  • Mitigates impacts of an expected 1.1 to 4 ft of SLR that will increase the frequency and severity of sunny day flooding events.
  • Beyond potential economic risk of property damage, sunny day floods impact the ability for people to walk or drive to work/school and slow the city’s ability to respond to emergency events

 Click here to visit the Miami Forever Bond Website


  • 311Direct is a mobile application
  • It enables the residents of Miami-Dade County to report neighborhood problems and code violations to the 311 Answer Center.
  • Additionally, residents can document flooding concerns in their neighborhood.
  • The City encourages such reporting as it assists in the evaluation modeling activities of the Stormwater Master Plan

image of 311 direct app

 Download the App on https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/311direct/id378130673?mt=8